Wednesday, December 27, 2006

From the Cradle to the Throne

Well Robbie is very short, but I did'nt know that he was a Big baby...

Robbie Sevilla sits on the Throne
Perhaps that was an innapropriate subtitle, Robbie is not sitting on the throne at this moment (yuck!).... In fact Robbie is not sitting on a throne, but has been elected to become the "Commisoner of Player Relations" for the Maritime Christian College Foozeball Association. Robbie Sevilla has become a fierce competitor as of late in the Foozeball ranks and is likely going to be in the playoffs this year, but if the need arises that Darrell Haines, our "Commish" cannot appoint the Foozebal cup, Robbie has been appointed to deliver the cup to the Champion whoever that will be. Robbie will now have the ability to post his words of Foozeball wisdom on this site and has been granted a link of his entitlement in the links to the right.
As this New Year begins, this season has many new changes which are going to be made, one of which will see a New Foozeball Champion being appointed by the end of this upcoming second semester.
Happy New Year from the MCC Foozeball Association

Friday, December 08, 2006

Merry Christmas From Maritime Christian College

Merry Christmas From Maritime Christian College

Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas?
This season is nearing its end, which will lead us into a time of remembrance before a new year. This has got to be the most wonderful season of the entire year and boy does it ever bring people together. There is such a soft, yet romanced feeling which comes with the celebration of Christmas.
This is the time of year that most grumps become less grumpy, people who hold grudges decided to set them aside. Then ultimately, the greatest truth of all is the celbration of Jesus Christ, being born to this earth as a Hope for God's people.
So what is it...Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays? Is it X-Mas or Christmas?
In this Holiday season, with all joking aside from the Ask a Ninja video above, let us take this time to celebrate not only the gifts we received... but the greatest birthday of all, which ultimately meant a glorious gift on our behalf.
I am aware that everyone comes to this blog for Foozeball updates, but let us today take this time and reflect on God's gift to man. The salvation given as a free gift to us, given on behalf of the Father, which is the Son. Let us take the oppurtunity in our Christmas breaks to witness through the word of God, the Holy Spirit, to those around us about the gift we have received.
As the angels said to the Shepards in the fields:
"I bring you great tidings, of Great Joys"

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

With 2006 Nearing an end, 2007 brings six games which lead to playoffs!

The Maritime Christian College Foozeball Players, wish you the fans a Merry Christmas! and A Happy New Year, With Christian Love in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...

Statistics Jam in Close during the final Foozeball week of 2006
As the 2006 portion of the Foozeball season closes, there are some close standings, which have led to some intense racing for the final playoff Spots. Many of our players such as John & James Stevenson, Rebecca Hankinson, Samara Stockton, Katherine Maclean, Stephanie Connelly and Nathan Clarke are in a close point race for the final "two" remaining spots in playoffs. These people have been close in their standings for a number of games, although if any deserve a playoff position, one would vouch for Nathan Clarke, who has come from an impossible position, to being one point shy of a playoff spot this week.
When Nathan was asked this week, his secret to success, he responded saying:
"My secret is that I stopped caring and let God take care of it!"

This is a very great answer by Nathan, and I believe he did... simply because he gave up and the ball seemed to have just ended up in the net, keep it up Nathan.
Many of our observing veteran Foozeball players are humble to admit that, these first years have went from an impossible standing and have shown tremendous improvement in their play in the last month. We caught up with Darrell Haines on this topic and he said,
" These first years have really surprised me over these last couple games or more. There are many of them that I am fearful of playing in the playoffs. If I was to give advice to any of them though, I would gladly say, do not get cocky, because I am proof that pride leads to playoff disappointment."

There we have it, with the season closing to an end, with six games, which will be played next semester, we will look forward to soon talking about the playoff action happening.
X-1. Darrell Haines (30pts)
X-2.Joel Bridges (22pts)(115 GA)
X-3.Vincent Arsenault (22pts)(127 GA)
X-4.Tyler/Mahalalel MacDougall (22pts)(129 GA)
5.Robbie Sevilla (18pts)(127GA)
6.Shannon Nicholson (18pts)(145GA)
7.Katherine Maclean (16pts)
8.Samara Stockton (15pts)
Those above this line are in playoffs. (If an "X-" is by a name, they have secured a playoff spot) If you are below this line, you have work to do, and six games to do this work as we start again in 2007.
9.Nathan Clarke (14pts)(143GA)
10.Rebecca Hankinson (14pts)(148 GA)
11.James Stevenson (13pts)
12.John Stevenson 12pts13.Stephanie Connelly (10pts)
There you have it, your standings going into the year 2007!... Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year guys!...
Stay tuned for one last post before the 2007 year begins!