Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Your Maritime Christian College Foozeball Standings Week 1

Proud Sponsors, the good news of MCC and the Foozeball league are spreading and Maritime Christian College is in full support of the league. Check out their site,

Proud to have Maritime Christian College behind us, there are now links from the College web site to this blog and the student blog. Check all these ministries out, they are outstanding. Now for your stats:

1st. Shannon(4 GA)
2nd. John(7 GA)
3rd. Darrell (14 GA)
14th. Amy/ Sarah

There is still plenty of season left. These games are updated to the point of two games per player. Some players were tied and separated by mere goals against. Who knows how things will end up, but looks close early on.
Keep it Up! Congrats to Shannon Nicholson on Best Standing in Week One.
God Bless!
See you Next Week!

The Maritime Christian Foozeball Association is brought to you by...

Well when I was associated with Hockey Night In Burtt's Corner, during the summer as I ministered with the Burtt's Corner Church of Christ, we were sponsored by Pepsi and Sportchek, therefore its only fitting that....
Maritime Christian College Foozeball, is brought to you by, Coke Cola (I like Pepsi), and that is the thing.
Stay tuned here for some College action, we will be hosting a couple of games this season on this page, so stay tuned. Also we are brought to you by God!
We as a College we have all the great necessity's, like Hockey, Foozeball, and a Almighty God, when you have these, life is all good.
Enjoy the Video!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Let the Games Begin!

So the first ball was dropped in the beginning of the 2006-2007 Foozeball Season at Maritime Christian College. How fun it was, a great game between the two best in the College in manys eyes.
A Clash of the Titans, between James Stevenson and Darrell Haines.
This was a matchup that saw Darrell fall to Stevenson 5 straight in pre-season before winning 1 by what seemed a fluke.
Or Was it? ....I still think it may have been.
Besides the point the season is underway, and despite the Cheerleader in James Corner, the victory was posted to Darrell, but not without a fight.
The underdog won, although the final score was 9-8, which means that Darrell will take 2 points while James will not leave with nothing taking 1 point for the 9-8 Loss.
These boys are not done for the season, as they will play each other at the near end of the season, where points may matter.
The increase in players in the season, could see a interesting turn out as to who will go to playoffs to compete for the Maritime Christian College Foozeball Cup.
Thats All the Updates for now, we will keep you in tact with the standings in the days ahead!
God Bless! and Enjoy the Foozeball!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

So little time....

Play this Clip with 5 Minutes Remaining!!!!

Get Excited....Make some noise, because the season will go on! and it will start on time for sure. The first game of the Season will be one that in pre-Season saw Darrell Haines fall to James Stevenson.
4-1 In Favor of James, the question is will Darrell Haines overcome the odds?
Who will end the beginning games of the season on top of the League?
Is MCC a fun Place to Attend?(Your Answer is automatically yes)
What are the odds that the winner may get a Pizza for Winning?
I wonder when I will stop asking Questions?
Ok thats enough, keep updated here on your Maritime Christian College Foozeball Associations #1 Stats Page.
Find out if your Favorites are doing well!
God Bless!
Good Night!

With One Day Left IN Waiting....

With One Day Left Waiting...

Unfortuantly the wait may be longer...

Why Wait?

It is unfortunate that a Foozie was hurt yesterday during pre-season game play. In memory of this Foozie and the commencement of his fixing, we must wait, the season may begin any day now.
The season may still have hope for starting on time, but if not I apologize to those waiting in awe and anticipation. We will try to keep you updated on the statistics, and updated on the season.
If all goes well In the Plans of today, then we will begin the season at the scheduled time tomarrow afternoon!
God Bless!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Who People Think will win the Foozeball Championship of Maritime Christian College!

Poll Results

It was a close voting process here, it was back and forth for a while, but the poll is closed and the results are below:

(2005 Presidents Trophy winner) Darrell Haines 41%

James Stevenson 25%

Joel Bridges 25%

Stephanie Connelly 3%

A New Student At the College 6%

Kyle the Foozie

A side note to the video you just watched, or are about to watch....
The timer below marks the greatest news ever!!!
It is now 2 days until Foozeball season starts.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

A Trophie Far Great!!!!

A Wonderful Victory to Win!

Basketball's Larry O'Rien trophy $1000

Winning the Fifa World cup of Soccer $15,000

Oh!!! The coveted trophie of Hockey, Lord Stanleys Cup...In all its beauty (especially after the Leafs win it) will be $1,000,000

Winning The Maritime Christian College Foozeball Championship....Priceless

With everything else the greatest trophie and greatest gift to ever be won, is our Salvation by Christ!!!

May God Bless This Year at Maritime Christian College

Hey, hey, hey....Its Almost Finally time!!!

There are two objectives by this post today.
The first objective to inform each and every person world wide that in exactly:

5 Days, 22 Hours, 00 Minutes, 50 Seconds, and 970 Milleseconds

It will be the first foozeball dropped(that counts) to begin the first game of the Maritime Christian College Foozeball Association season for 2006-2007. Which might add was exciting and the tension already built up for, but is now added to with the next categorie of news.

The Students have Spoken!!! and the Student Council has been elected.

President: Joel Bridges

Vice-President: James Stevenson

and newly added, or rather split to make things easier positions:

Treasurer: Rebecca Hankinson

Secretary: Shannon Nicholson

This makes things all more exciting, because soon we may be doing stuff. I guess we could have played Foozeball all day and night, then been fine with that, but the Foozeball table may not like that idea too much.
The council will be contributing to this blog along with the new blog on the block:
Which is a link from this blog, and will be the students official blog site run completely by the student council, for the students.
Looking forward to things personally, and hope you are to, its going to be great.
Pray for our Student Councils decisions and stand behind them, that will make this a great year.
God Bless!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Student Council Election Time again!

Hey Gang,
It is that time of year again and this site is Maritime Christian Colleges unofficial, yet somewhat official blog. It is a blog to serve the students and the students only, so I declare it official.
Below are the positions for election and the polls for you to vote on. I ask that in voting, that only Maritime Christian College students vote on these polls.
This is not an official poll and will not really be counted, but it is for a second opinion.
The official voting will be declared by whoever you vote for using the ballads, that you will find placed in your mail box. As a former Maritime Christian College Student council representitive, a downfall of the past was sharing votes, and I ask that as a change this year that you keep all votes private.
Pray about your decision, because the people you choose will be using the money the students are given for you, in a way that they feel will meet your needs, in attempt to make a fun filled semester and year for you.

The titles are President, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer.

The President would be responsible for the overall running of the Association - calling meetings, organizing events (or delegating jobs for organizing events) and meeting with Kevin to keep him posted on events and progress. The President is also the person who the students should go to if they have any questions or concerns. He/She would then go to Kevin, Fred, the Board if the need ever arose. ( I have added this, keep in mind the President and the vice-presedent should be able to conduct themselves in a expressive manner)

The Vice-President would fill in if the President could not attend an event or organize an event. They would also be actively involved in helping the President plan events, meetings, etc. on a regular basis. (This is added, the vice-president in most senses factually does more than the President, the vice-president books everything, and orders all materials)

The Secretary/Treasurer is in charge of any written reports (students can submit a Board Report before each Board Meeting.) This person would also do the finances, have signing authority on the account at the bank, deposit money, write cheques, etc. (This person should see Penny and she'll give you the bank book, and a letter to go to the bank re signing authority.)( Added: the secretary/treasurer also keeps minutes in the meetings and in student assembly meetings helps the President go over things he may have forgotten to mention)

Either way the first thing for the student council's agenda will be organizing stuff for Exalt 2006, this is intense preparation, there is mostly organizing of the canteen and price negotiations for items and these items come from the councils pocket.

Who among you should be nominated for each position?

If any questions see Darrell Haines and he can inform you on anything that you may have to ask, or even Fred Osbourne or Kevin McKay.

Note: The President cannot be a first year student.
(Added: the vice- president Can be a 1st year but recommended to be a senior student because of all of the organizing required, you need to know where places are.)
Again polls are below, and you will get the official polls in your mailboxes, please vote in secret. Do not let anyone effect your opinions, because the people you pick will determine your year.

This post has past, and the people elected are in another post.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Darrell Created a personal blog

Hey, I know I have tons of blogs already with the Foozeball blog then this one, but I decided, in my new found class called procrastination that I would do as a class project a blog about myself:

Check it out!!! There's even a link on this blog....say "ooooh, aaaah!"
anywho check er' out!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The People who play The Game!

Foozeball with MCC is brought to you and here are the people who will be playing in the 2007 season.

James Stevenson
Darrell Haines
Stephanie Connelly
Joel Bridges
Shannon Nicholson
Vincent Arsenault
John Stevenson
Samara Stockton
Katherine McLean
Ryan MacNeill
Tom Marshall
Rebecca Hankenson
Robbie Sevilla
Nathan Clark
Sarah Harding
Kevin McKay (will be replaced by: Tyler MacDougall)
Jamie Robichaud
Ben Foreman

Who will be your winner? I don't know...