From the Cradle to the Throne
Well Robbie is very short, but I did'nt know that he was a Big baby...
Robbie Sevilla sits on the Throne
Perhaps that was an innapropriate subtitle, Robbie is not sitting on the throne at this moment (yuck!).... In fact Robbie is not sitting on a throne, but has been elected to become the "Commisoner of Player Relations" for the Maritime Christian College Foozeball Association. Robbie Sevilla has become a fierce competitor as of late in the Foozeball ranks and is likely going to be in the playoffs this year, but if the need arises that Darrell Haines, our "Commish" cannot appoint the Foozebal cup, Robbie has been appointed to deliver the cup to the Champion whoever that will be. Robbie will now have the ability to post his words of Foozeball wisdom on this site and has been granted a link of his entitlement in the links to the right.
As this New Year begins, this season has many new changes which are going to be made, one of which will see a New Foozeball Champion being appointed by the end of this upcoming second semester.
Happy New Year from the MCC Foozeball Association
one word: excited!
Today was a complete loss. So it goes. I've just been letting everything wash over me.
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