Tuesday, August 19, 2008

2007-2008 CHAMPION

If you haven't heard..well then maybe it's time to update a bit.

Robbie Sevilla who was in the finals in 2006-2007 championship game between Darrell Haines and lost that game to Darrell actually made it again to the 2007-2008 championship game.

So for two straight years, I made it to the finals.

This time I had to face the ever lurking eyes and skills of Jason McVicar..to make the story short.

Jason won the series and I have yet to win the coveted championship trophy...maybe this upcoming year would be my year..maybe

Anyway, tune in this coming school year to see what kind of exciting things will happen with the foozeball league.

As you may know, Darrell Haines handed the league over to Vincent Arsenault about 1/2 through the season. Thus, Vincent will be making some big decisions.

Will there be a 2008-2009 season?
WIll there be a doubles' league?
Will I ever grow past 5 feet tall?


till then,
Robbie Sevilla

Edited by Vincent Arsenault
(corrected the years)


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