The Plot Thickens...
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Battling for 2nd Best!
Tyler Macdougall vs Vincent Arsenault, basically what the battle is in the standings. These to combattants have been at it neck in neck in the standings for a couple of weeks now. Tyler "Aka" Mahalalel has had the upper hand for three weeks, before this week when Vincent Arsenault won the victory putting him in distance of 2nd place, and quite possibly 1st. The question to ask is, who will be where when the dust clears...these two are both 3 Points away from clinching their place in playoffs, which means that they could lose all games and still finish bottom three for a spot. This week the standings have narrowed. Vincent is happy as he fences his way to the top, but the question is, will you find your way into playoffs?
Records Officially Broken
"Darrell Haines," AKA "me" or the "commish," has finally achieved his set season goal of becoming known as an opponent in the League. This week he beats his formerly set records for most points in a season, which was 24, but is now 26 and going. Along with beating this record, Joel Bridges who had fought his way from the bottom, to a playoff spot last year, winning almost 10 straight, has had his record for most wins in a row beaten by this same person. When asked his comments on the achievements he said:
Randy Thurlow definetly left his mark on the Foozeball League at Maritime Christian College. Randy holds a record that cannot be broke, that being the first to ever hold the Maritime Christian College Foozeball Cup. The Foozeball world misses you Randy, keep on trucking. What has been said here today can be seen in many lights, the biggest being that you should never count your chickens before their hatched.... And much bigger than that is that you should not celebrate the race until it is finished!...Theres a Sermon Illustration for you...
God Bless Brothers and Sisters In Christ!
Looking Forwards to the weeks to Come!
X-1. Darrell Haines 26pts
2. Tyler MacDougall 18pts
3. Vincent Arsenault 18pts
4. Joel Bridges 16pts
5. Robbie Sevilla 14pts
6. Shannon Nicholson 14pts
7. Rebecca Hankinson 12pts
8. Katherine Maclean 12pts
In/Outside Playoffs
9. Samara Stockton 11pts
10. John Stevenson 10pts
11. James Stevenson 9pts
12. Nathan Clarke 8pts
13. Stephanie Connelly 8pts
Some Eliminated, some stand...So the Plot Thickens
Or you may find the link under the Maritime Christian College Link Heading...
Battling for 2nd Best!
Tyler Macdougall vs Vincent Arsenault, basically what the battle is in the standings. These to combattants have been at it neck in neck in the standings for a couple of weeks now. Tyler "Aka" Mahalalel has had the upper hand for three weeks, before this week when Vincent Arsenault won the victory putting him in distance of 2nd place, and quite possibly 1st. The question to ask is, who will be where when the dust clears...these two are both 3 Points away from clinching their place in playoffs, which means that they could lose all games and still finish bottom three for a spot. This week the standings have narrowed. Vincent is happy as he fences his way to the top, but the question is, will you find your way into playoffs?
Records Officially Broken
"Darrell Haines," AKA "me" or the "commish," has finally achieved his set season goal of becoming known as an opponent in the League. This week he beats his formerly set records for most points in a season, which was 24, but is now 26 and going. Along with beating this record, Joel Bridges who had fought his way from the bottom, to a playoff spot last year, winning almost 10 straight, has had his record for most wins in a row beaten by this same person. When asked his comments on the achievements he said:
"I think it is about time that I forget all about this Crap!, being #1 in the League is meaningless if I have not gone on to win the prize. My biggest mistake last year was a lesson learned, thanks Randy!. When I thought that it was all said and done, it was last season...for me. Robbie, Vincent, Tyler....All have the same passion to win as Randy Thurlow and I will not lose to another Thurlow"
Randy Thurlow definetly left his mark on the Foozeball League at Maritime Christian College. Randy holds a record that cannot be broke, that being the first to ever hold the Maritime Christian College Foozeball Cup. The Foozeball world misses you Randy, keep on trucking. What has been said here today can be seen in many lights, the biggest being that you should never count your chickens before their hatched.... And much bigger than that is that you should not celebrate the race until it is finished!...Theres a Sermon Illustration for you...
God Bless Brothers and Sisters In Christ!
Looking Forwards to the weeks to Come!
X-1. Darrell Haines 26pts
2. Tyler MacDougall 18pts
3. Vincent Arsenault 18pts
4. Joel Bridges 16pts
5. Robbie Sevilla 14pts
6. Shannon Nicholson 14pts
7. Rebecca Hankinson 12pts
8. Katherine Maclean 12pts
In/Outside Playoffs
9. Samara Stockton 11pts
10. John Stevenson 10pts
11. James Stevenson 9pts
12. Nathan Clarke 8pts
13. Stephanie Connelly 8pts
Some Eliminated, some stand...So the Plot Thickens
Holy cow, no wonder my neck has been hurting all day...look at how I twisted it to smile at the camera!!!
This week's game is again Joel, and I'll beat him worse than I did on Wednesday! You're next Joel!
HAHAHAHA! Yeah, nice turnage
Whats a turnage?
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