Alas! Yet Another Season of Foozeball Is Complete
Above is the reigning Foozeball Champion of Maritime Christian College "Darrell Haines," who finishes his playoff run with a ALL-Time Record of: 16-6.
Final Farewells Of the Season
Here we are yet again at another semesters end. Being a student here at MCC, it is easy to admit how fast the time can go by. For many, they have just began what is the college experience, which may end or continue depending on a persons walk.
Seems only yesterday that there was a post on this blog about the excitement of the registration and classes beginning in this semester.
This Foozeball season has also gone so fast. From the beginning of the season, it was almost easy to tell who would be in and who would be out during playoff time. I think it is evident that the best were certainly a part.
As we are here now at the end of this semester though, it is no longer about Foozeball or classes for the students, but it is about graduation and the semesters end. That is why as we come to this time in the semester, as a member of the student body, I would like to extend a congradulations over to the graduating students of this year. Maybe not so much students, as much as student in "Joel Bridges."
Joel has been a great friend to us all and has never shown any complaints or had disagreements with anyone during his time with us. On behalf of the student body, we wish you the best Joel in all that you wish to pursue after this year. Our league Champion Darrell Haines had this to say about Joel,
"Joel has been an excellent role model for my ministry and has shown me that humility which I have lacked for so long. If it were not for Joels influence, I believe that this semester would have been hard to bare. Thanks Joel."
Just a little bit about our league Champion Darrell Haines. He is in his second year with the college and will be a returning student next semester. Perhaps if you have not had the oppurtunity to meet him, you will eventually have the chance. Darrell says,
"This season was very productive for me from the beginning and if it were not for humility, I would have likely pulled the wool over my eyes again and fell in the first round. I am excited for next season, but I will enjoy my summer thats for sure. More than Foozeball I will miss my friends here at the college. We still have a week for spring tour though, that should be fun and I am looking forward to it... might even take the Foozeball cup with me... lol..."
The season went well and it would'nt have went at all if not for you who play the game and watch the standings. Thank you for your support and may all the Grace and Peace of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all of your days.
See you Next Season!
First off, congatulations to you Mr. Haines for your victory. I just would like to say that I am excited for the next season as well, maybe we will meet again and maybe the outcome would be different.
Secondly, it is true what you say about our Student Body President Joel Bridges. I wish you the best mr. Prez (for a few more weeks). You've certainly given a jolt of leadership within the Student Body and we will miss you tons. It's sad that I was the one to eliminate you in your final year as a student to compete for the coveted Foozeball Cup but hey maybe you can win it as an alumni heheheheh
To all those who read this blog, I thank you. This is a ministry that Darrell started and I hope taht everyone enjoyed being part of and reading and watching.
If you ever plan of coming to MCC for a visit or for education, don't hesitate to play foozeball. It's awesome. I learned more than just playing the game but also getting to know the person that's across me when I am playing.
I have to say, losing wasn't my plan and I gave it my all to try to take it to another game, Darrell was just hungrier and he deserved the win
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